Hello my name is Samantha.
I am looking for an elderly caregiver position in Thunder Bay, Ontario.
I got into this field of work because one of my only memories of my great grandmother was when I went with my mother to visit her in a nursing home.
It was horrible.
I remember my mom freaking out because all the staff were sitting at a table and my granny who had just lost her second leg was still in bed at 2:30 pm wearing her night gown. Her call bell was out of reach, and she was still wearing her night time brief. Her breakfast and lunch trays were both by the door, and due to her conditions she couldn't get them herself. She explained to us that they had not entered her room since night shift except to say ill ⁹be back in a few minutes for her. My mom yelled at them for what felt like hours and me and my aunt washed and helped my granny get dressed and we moved her to new home soon after.
I decided some time after that that I was going to work with people who couldn't always speak or take care of themselves and treat them how I wished my granny was treated. So that is exactly what I did.
I have almost 20 years experience both with elderly, and children with autism and down syndrome.
I have worked both in home and care facilities. I can work part/full-time, occasional, in emergencies with no notice as required. I have very flexible hours and dont mind working long shifts.
I have a psw/dsw certification i also have completed a Alzheimer's and dementia certification program, I took a palliative care course through hospice northwest.
I have experience working both in home and in a care facility. I am a Very patient person who understands that individuals who have Alzheimer's or dementia or other illnesses don't always have control of what they say or do so i don't take outbursts to heart. I work with both client and family to try and make things as easy as possible for families. I am 41 years old and have recently found my own nest empty so I have very flexible availability. I have worked with people to help with range of motion, and trying to encourage them to do what they are able to with assistance. A lot of elderly individuals become depressed when they start feeling like they are burdens to loved ones so I will work with them to help them figure out what they are able and not able to do. I will assist them with activities that they enjoy doing. Whether its going for walks, gardening, knitting whatever. If its something I don't no how to do I will learn how.
Service Abilities:
I will assist with ALL aspects of daily living, medication , physical and emotional support, both for client and there families. I will do cooking cleaning & shopping if required. I will help you and your loved one so they can remain in there home for as long as possible.
You can reach me at 807-357-...
Or email
Use catchy headline if emailing because honestly I hate email . So feel free to call . Have a great day!!!
Booking An Appointment:
Send me a message via this website and I'll reply within 9 days.